Privacy Policy

Hokkai Co., Ltd. and Hokkai Group companies (hereinafter called Hokkai Group) have established the following policies regarding the handling of personal information to facilitate smooth and appropriate corporate operations.

(1) Specifying purpose of use, appropriate collection and use

Hokkai Group will, to the extent possible, specify the purposes of use of personal information and will not collect or use personal information beyond this scope without the prior consent of the individual. Hokkai Group will not use falsehoods or other illicit means to collect personal information.

(2) Appropriate safety management

Hokkai Group will make efforts to maintain the accuracy of collected personal information and will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent illicit access to personal information, disclosure, loss or modification of personal information. It will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision to employees and service providers handling personal information to ensure that such information is managed safely.

(3) Provision to third parties and joint use

Hokkai Group will not furnish personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual. In the event that Hokkai Group uses personal information jointly with third parties, it will notify the individual and/or publish all matters required by applicable Japanese law in advance.

(4) Disclosure, correction, suspension of use and handling complaints

Hokkai Group will deal appropriately and as required by applicable Japanese law when an individual requests the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion or suspension of use of personal information. Hokkai Group will also deal appropriately and speedily with complaints regarding the use of personal information.


System control head office, Hokkai Co., Ltd.
TEL: 072-437-2411